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Women Who Inspire

As digital technologies advance and societies embrace digitalization, there is a higher need for quality education for women to advance in the fast paced and high growth sectors, and this will in turn increase the demand of education for youths especially young girls. During the Covid years, we experience own disruption in our lives and loss of our loved ones. According to the UN SDG EP study, Covid-19 has wiped out 20 years of education gains, and an addition of 101 million youths has felled out of proficiency level of the disruption and negative education impact.

Join Susanna Kass, Climate Change Advocate in Cloud Sustainability to give tribute at IESNET, IES-NTU, Singapore IWD 2022 to frontline heroes and innovators who helped during the pandemic; recognizing and realizing the contributions of women engineers and scientists like herself to stay focused on quality education for women to lead the youth in life learning throughout the Cloud Sustainability lifecycle; concept and design using clean energy and industry standards, build commercial deployments that can yield net positive impact results measured by net zero metrics on each kilowatt/hour consumed and produced.

Susanna Kass is passionate to drive her journey and she faces new challenges on achieving Carbon Neutrality as a Data Center Advisor United Nations UNSDG program, an entreprenuer at InfraPrime in cloud sustainability developments and her focus in APAC renewable energy purchase. Her recent contribution to the European Union Delegation to the United Nations on clean energy standards, Charles Rudd Distinguished Lecture award at the World Engineering Society; she is inspired in collaboration with her clients-industry pioneers who made Corporate Carbon Neutral pledges including Google Microsoft Amazon Apple Meta/Facebook to reduce environmental impact in Cloud Sustainabilty, Digitalization Transformation growth and exemplifying Circular Economy in urban communities where we live, learn, play and work.

#womenwhoinspire #frontlineheroes #innovatorsmindset #engineeringleadership #cloudsustainability #newbeginning #cleanenergyfuture

February 23

Susanna Kass speaking at Shaping the Future of Sustainability at Sustainability LIVE

April 25

Susanna Kass at DCD, Connect, New York on April 25th, 2022 speak on Sustainability Metrics